Monday, October 18, 2010

Beginning of October

The First Part of October found us up at the cabin quite often. Larry and I spent and enjoyable Conference Weekend there and took in all the sessions. It was beautiful and the weather was great. We did a few odds and ends between sessions on Saturday. We also saw a bull moose about maybe 3 or so years old. Walked right passed the front of our cabin. I was going to get a picture, but Sadie was outside and began to bark. I was a little worried for her safety to get a picture. Chris, Shannon, and Jennsen have also been up and Chris helped us finish up the big tree that we started on and also cut down another dead tree close to it that was really leaning and we thought would fall this winter with the snow. It would have covered the road also. Shannon and I took quite a few loads of brush and limbs down to the burn pile. It will help the bon fire for New Year's Eve. I also got a new calling, playing piano in the primary so I had to be home to do that. Then this last weekend Larry and I took a vacation to the Black Hills of South Dakota and spent some time seeing Mt. Rushmore and more. I'll blog on that another day since the night is getting late, and I have a lot of pictures to share.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see pictures of Mt. Rushmore, as I've always wanted to go there. Sounds like you've been really busy lately.
