Dear Family and Friends, December 2012
Another year has rolled around incredibly quickly. I can’t believe that it is already time to write our Christmas letter. We love sharing our year with you and look forward to your cards and letters also. We have been well blessed and have had a good year all in all.
I asked Larry to help me with things that we had done this year and after some thought realized we’d done more than we thought we had. We made a trip to Las Vegas the first of April to see Nathan and Stephanie and our new granddaughter, Avonlea. We also made a last minute day trip to Idaho to help Marla decorate graves on Memorial Day. While there we celebrated a bit with my Father’s last living sister, Aunt June. She was 90 years old that day. We’ve been working on the basement of the cabin. We’ve put up the drywall and have been working on the unpleasant task of taping and mudding. Still much work to do there. With trees to cut down and a cabin to finish, it seems like it is always a work in progress, but we enjoy our time there. We’ve been to Idaho for my family reunion in June, hosted the Millett reunion at our cabin in July and were back up to Idaho for our niece, Emily’s, wedding the first of August. So I guess we’ve done a bit this year and enjoyed our family immensely.
Larry and I are still working at our same places of employment. Larry is still the financial clerk at church and I’m still serving as the secretary in the Relief Society Presidency. Brandi and Sadie, our two kids, (I mean labs) still bring us a lot of joy and companionship. They also both enjoy terrorizing our cat, Tabby, and they love being up at the cabin digging for whatever small animal they can hear under the ground.
Our children and grandchildren have such a special place in our hearts and we love spending time with them whenever we can.
Shannon, Chris, and Jennsen have made a move from Tooele to Grantsville. They wanted to have a little more land to have their horse Sue at their place. Well….to say the least their" little more land" has grown into a small little ranch. They now have 3 horses, 2 goats, along with their 2 dogs and 2 cats they already had. They love their new family members and are enjoying a lot of family time with them. We are so happy for them. Jennsen is a senior and will be graduating this year.
Jamie and Bruce are happy and well. Starley graduated this past year. Zac just turned 16 in November and Trevor will turn 16 in January. They are both sophomores and enjoying playing sports. Dallin is 9 and trying to keep up with his big brothers and is also enjoying raising a few chickens in their back yard.
Devin, Charity, and Kylee love spending time in the mountains at their cabin as a family. They love fishing and hunting together. Charity got her first deer this year. Kylee is now 10 and in 4th grade and growing so tall.
As I said above, Nate and Steph have added a new member to their family this year. February 23rd our cute little Avonlea joined the Walker family. She’s a doll and also growing like crazy. We’ve enjoyed watching text and face book videos that they send to us and hopefully we will get a chance to go down to Vegas and see them again soon.
At this time of year we are so grateful for the Savior’s birth and the blessing his life and atonement has brought to our lives. May this season bring you and your families love and happiness, and may the coming year be bright. We love you all and think of you often. Have a Merry Christmas and the happiest of New Years.
Larry and Patsy

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