My Uncle Lee and all my sisters
This past Memorial Day Larry and I made a spur of momment decision and went to Idaho to decorate the graves. What a long day, but that's a whole different story. Anyway, my father's sister that is just about an year and a half older than he was was turning 90 years old. I had sent her a card because I didn't think I'd see her. She had a big birthday party that her kids did for her the week before, but her actual birthday was on Memorial Day this year. Anyway, after we decorated graves in Wendell, Aunt June arrived to decorate her family graves. We told her we would help her, but she said "I don't know if I will be here next year and I want to decorate all my famiies graves myself." All but one of her siblings are buried there in the Wendell Cememtary,that would be 8 of them, along with her parents and grandparents. Her sister Beauton is in Twin Falls and actually Aunt June will be buried in Shoshone next to her husband. After we finished at the cemetary went back to my niece Katie's house. Some of the family like to have a little potluck and it became a little birthday party for my Aunt June. She looked very good and was still getting around very well. Still glad to have her around. Love you too Aunt June.

Marla and I with Aunt June on her 90th birthday
Here's just a few other pictures of Memorial Day in Wendell

Mom and Dad's grave

Grandma and Grandpa Willard and Andersen's graves

Emily and her fiance', Ben